
Here are described the resources that make up the Kernel CI API. If you have any problems or suggestions, please report a bug.

Current Version

Current version of the API is v1.

By default all requests receive the v1 version. In the future, different versions will have to be explicitly requested using the Accept header:

Accept: application/v1

HTTP Verbs

Where possible, the API strives to use appropriate HTTP verbs for each action.

Not all the API resources might implement them.

Verb Description
GET Used to retrieve resources.
POST/PUT Used to create or update resources.
DELETE Used for deleting resources.

HTTP Response Status Code

All valid response in JSON format will have an HTTP status code of 200. This means that invalid requests may still return an HTTP status code of 200.

Queries that do not produce any results, will return a status code of 200, but the JSON response will contain an empty list.

Status Code Description
200 Response is OK.
201 Resource created.
202 Request accepted.
400 Bad request, more detailed message might be available.
403 Request forbidden.
404 Resource not found.
405 Operation not allowed.
415 Wrong content type.
422 JSON not valid or not found.
500 Internal error.
501 Method not implemented.
503 Service maintenance.
506 Wrong response from the database.


API access is exclusively over HTTPS and accessed via the api.kernelci.org URL.

Data is sent and received only in JSON format.

For more info about the resources schema, refer to their schema declaration.


Query results will always include the code field reporting the HTTP status code. Actual query results will be included in the result field and it will always be a list:

{"code": 200, "result": []}


ID values in a response object are always wrapped in a JSON object, as follows:

    "_id": {
        "$oid": "012345678901234567890123"
    "job_id": {
        "$oid": "012345678901234567890123"

The ID value conforms to the following regular expression: [A-Za-z0-9]{24}

When accessing resources through their ID, always use the real ID as defined in the $oid value:

GET /boot/012345678901234567890123/ HTTP/1.1

Time and Date

Timestamps are returned as milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC and are all UTC.

A timestamp will be encoded as follows:

{"created_on": {"$date": 1406788988347}}

Internally, timestamps are stored in BSON format.

When using the date_range parameter in a query:

GET /job?date_range=5 HTTP/1.1

The number indicates how many days of data to consider starting from today’s date at 23:59 UTC to 00:00 UTC of the range date. Internally it will be converted in a timedelta structure using the created_on field:

    "created_on": {
        "$lt": {"$date": 1407542399000},
        "$gte": {"$date": 1407369600000}

Ranged Searches

With fields of type int and with date type ones, it is possible to perform ranged search using the gte (greater-than-equal) and lt (less-than) operators.

The syntax to define a ranged search is as follows:


field and value are separated by a comma (,).

The following example will search the boot resource for boot reports whose retries value is between 2 and 4:

GET /boot?gte=retries,2&lt=retries,5 HTTP/1.1

It will be converted as follows:

    "retries": {
        "$gte": 2,
        "$lt": 5,

The operators can be repeated multiple times. If repeated more than once for the same field, the last parsed one will be considerd.

The order in which the arguments are parsed might not be guaranteed.

Authentication and Tokens

The only way to authenticate through the API is via an authentication token. Requests that require authentication will return 403 Forbidden.

Authentication is performed using the Authorization header.


Tokens should be considered secret data and not exposed to users. To ensure a higher security, we suggest to use your API token server-side whenever possible.

Basic Authentication

curl -H 'Authorization: token' https://api.kernelci.org/job

Accepted Encodings

The server accepts the gzip coding for the Accept-Encoding HTTP header.

Responses will be compressed using gzip.


It is highly advised to require responses compression from the server, it will save considerable amount of transfer time.

Email Reports

The email reports contain custom headers that can be used by email client.

  Build Report Boot Report
X-Kernelci-Report-Type Its value will be “build”. Its value will be “boot”.
X-Kernelci-Tree The name of the tree/job.
X-Kernelci-Kernel The name of the kernel.
X-Kernelci-Branch The name of the branch.
X-Kernelci-Lab-Name N/A. The name of the lab.